The Weekend Dance Off
I know my blog has been dead for too long
I suddenly just have this urge in me to update my blog so
here is:-
I'm sure many of you are familiar with the word Kpop or even, you could be one of them Kpop fans reading this right now. Well I have a lot of friends around me (not all but yeah, a lot of them) that are also Kpop fans and some are really huge fans. Yeah but that does not make me a fan myself, I may love the country Korea, the people there (visited Korea once and really nice people there), the places there and sometimes my friends would tell me stuff about them Kpop singers, talk about how funny some Korean talk-shows were or one of my cousins would ask me to watch some Korean dramas that she think its really nice. I would watch them or listen to their songs but nope, still not a fan and I was never a Kpop fan. No offence to you fans out there, I'm not here to insult or anything just saying I'm not a fan and my point of this blogpost is about me going to Kpop dance workshop during my last weekend.
I may like to dance but usually I'm not that active when it comes to Kpop (it's just not my kinda thing) but this time I would give it a try only because I heard that Double-D, the instructor that came all the way from Korea seems to be more to hip hop dances and since I'd never been to any Kpop classes before so I thought to myself why not give it a try, no harm trying new things plus this would be a new experience for me.
Turned out, the workshop from Double-D was not bad, he teaches us the choreography of the song Growl by the group EXO. But he said he won't be teaching the exact choreography from them, instead he added a lil' of his own style to it. And just now, I went on to Youtube to look up for the Growl MV by EXO, it was indeed slightly different from what I'd seen Double-D taught us, different in the sense of style. In my opinion, I think Double-D dances more to hip hop style, he grooves more and bounces more with his body when he dance. I'm not saying who's right or wrong, just saying from what I saw, well of course each has their own nice and swag in both different style of dancing, sometimes it's just the way you see it and whether to your own liking or not.
To dancers out there: Sorry if I said anything offensive. No, I'm not a professional dancer or whatsoever myself to teach about dances, I'm only saying what I thought.
I must say I learnt something from this workshop. Something new to me at least. Thanks for the workshop!
Double-D and I
Messy hair; should have wear my cap, didn't
expected this strong wind coming.
Yeah really strong wind, but that doesn't changes the
hot weather that day, was sweating like mad at the end of
the workshop.