Had our screening today, also the last presentation
for us. Glad that things went well.
After watching the March '09's work, our's was just....
okay I don't know what to say to that either
well all I can say is we might not be the best but we definitely
tried our best. Don't think I'll upload the video up but...I'll
share this with you instead :D
Present to you, our very own TV Production:
And I gotta say this because the Marchian Production
was really good, the seniors really
did a great job and I like their production a lot..like A LOT.
Their video-editing, angle-shooting, MV..ahh everything is just too good.
Anyways, imma watching Harry Potter tomorrow.
Can't wait! But at the same time I don't want
to watch it yet 'cause once I watch it then it means
that's the end of Harry Potter, agh contradicting
much....yeah I know, J. K. Rowling
had announced that there'll be Pottermore on the 31st of July but..
but still...no more seeing Dan. Radcliffe and the other cast
together :( oh well...
Going to watch in in 3D tomorrow, hope it's as good as
what I'm being told and also the 3D effects too.