Treasure every moment that you have

Went to Queensbay with the cousins yesterday
wanted to go watch movie but nothing nice, the current
movies showing in the cinema now seems boring to us
so we changed our mind and went for fish spa instead
and then to Mc.D for lunch
We talk, catch up a bit and...we laugh a lot
I don't remember what/why that makes us laugh so hard
till I can feel the aching in the stomach, something to do
with fries if I'm not mistaken lol! Ahh~ that moment reminds me of
the good ol' days we used to had last time when we were kids.
How I'd always used to begged me parents to let me go stay over at the cousins'
whenever there's school holidays heh, always had so much fun
with them around. Except that Linda had left to KL for
Uni now or it'll always be the four of us together. After the
craziness in Mc.D then we went walking around in Queens to go
look for what I was looking for. Got my stuff, and followed the cousins
back to their place and that means...another sleepover, again
I brought "Coming Soon" DVD to their place and we watched it that night
in case you didn't know, we are the horror movie/story's
lovers hahaha...the movie was
just okay, and goodness I was lmao at one part
the ghost look so fake and funny! LOL but I don't think
it will look funny anymore if I were to watch it in the cinema *gulp*
To prevent us from having bad dreams we then watched "Hotels for
Dogs". This movie is highly recommend to the
dogs' lovers out there!


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