The box that is red?

Oh-God! I'm so in love with Chin
readers go: chin..who?
that Thai singer guy, Chinawut.
Look! *points picture below*
so good looking right?
so hot right?
so entau right?
so leng zai right?
so yao yeng right?
so cute right?
so handsome right?
I know, right!
okay, oh-kay I'll stop...I know what you people
thinking: this girl is insane!
but...but he is just
soooooooooooooooooo you-know-what
Chin advertising my camera!

here's a video of him singing Term Mai Kuey Tem
in Chinese and also English version.
Oh Chin, please come visit Malaysia again!!!

Jenny is back in Penang! and to celebrate that
we went to Red Box. Sok Wah drove Jenny & I and Woan Shing
drove Zi Xin to Gurney.
Sock-er Wah

and yes, of course we sing
Zi Xin

Woan Shing

Sok Wah

"Jen-ny, what's the problem?" heh
left Gurney and headed off to somewhere nearby for dinner

Woan Shing dropped Zi Xin and I home after dinner
and am now at the bestf.'s
yes yes! the sleepover tonight
Thanks Sok Wah and Woan Shing for the ride.


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