Gathering is a must

I can never stop myself from staring at this huge poster
whenever I walk pass that Sony Center in Gurney.
haiyok Chin-oh-Chin!

Che Yen & Yi Qin are leaving for KL tomorrow
so I suggested a farewell-outing for them
and since we haven't been hanging out for sucha long
loooooong time already
Red Box it is...
Che Yen & Yi Qin

Che Hui & Laureene

group picture is a must

o-yeah it's Chin again LOL
sorry lah..cannot resist he's leng zai-ness
Then we went off to Sakae Sushi for high tea a bit
it's been AGES since the bunch of us hang out like this
in fact, more than a year I dare say
Candy, Cyndi, Laureene & the Blogger

Thanks Che Yen, for dropping me
to my dance class

P/S : Chua Che Yen, do update your blog constantly!!
We'll miss you!


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