New Year '08


December, 31 Monday and January, 01 Tuesday

Zi Xin came my house to stay over the night before 31st cause her parents going to somewhere and also the both of us having plans on the new year eve so yea she came and oh! THANKS rachel darling xD ...she helped me out for my blog and stuff that night....

Lets back to the point, so...on the new year eve morning, we called gregsson to ask how 's he going to Gurney and whether can he come pick us up since he's on his way there. He called back and say can but he'll be coming to my place like in 5-10 minutes time. Me and Zi Xin were rushing like hell when he said that cause we'd just woke up that time and we have to get ourselves done in 10 minutes time o.O! Greg came to pick us up after 10 minutes and Jang Heng's next then we go Yue Shern's place to put our stuff there and also to pick her up to Gurney together. Had our brunch at 1901 in gurney then meet up Tiffany and Janice there. Went to MegaQ, vainning there while waiting for Jang Heng and Gregsson to finish their pool. Arcade was next and LOL u should see how Jang Heng and Gregsson both battling for the game name uh...Panic Park...? hah man it was hillarious, we were all laughing non-stop seeing them pushing each other lmao. After arcade we uh lied to them...? cause was trying to leave the both of them and get them their birthday present. Meet them up again after we done our job heh and then go for the movie, I Am Legend

the movie was not bad but just a lil' boring in somewhere some part. Leave gurney to Yue Shern's place, we changed and the 4 of us Zi Xin, Jang Heng, Tiffany and I walk to the beach which is just somewhere behind her house. The others follow Yue Shern's dad to go Tanjung Bunga Hotel to check in. They came back here to come join us at paradise's beach and all of us go for the jet ski and Zi Xi was my driver...? lol. My first time on jet ski fuyoh syok-man! AHHHHHhhhhhhhh I LOVE JET SKI! Regina came later that....

beach ; Tanjung Bunga Hotel

took bus back to Tanjung Bunga Hotel. Bath, had our dinner and all then we went down to the beach for barbecue when Venne arrived. Met Che Hui and friends there at the's been ages since i last see them, gosh i miss you people! Oh well so we barbecue, vainning, started the spray while waiting for the clock to strike at 12am. Countdown for new year and had loads of fun with the spray *evil grin*. Gavin and friends came to join us after 12am. We talk and having fun at the beach but some were already drunk so they went up and get themselves some rest. The rest of us walk to a coffee shop nearby to have our supper, walk back to beach again after they're done with their food. And who's the smart one huh? show us the way back by walking through the so dark and quiet lorong way, some more we have to climbed over the small door to get to the beach Michelle text me and so we walk back to hotel and went up to Michelle's room to get Zi Xin back to our room cause she was already drunk ...something happened when we got back to our room, aikX i'm sorry people =/

Evey thing settled then some of us get down to the lobby and stay at the pool side since there were not enough place for us in the room but it's ok...i guess heh cause we never plan to sleep actually. So yea just left the few of us at the pool side at 4am. Yang Peng, your ghost stories were hmm....heh family trends eh? Stay at the pool side for whole night and was so freaking ca-ca-ca-colddd that time and mosquitos were flying everywhere. Nothing to do there, we girls just talk among ourselves and guys the other end there uh playing the swing? Well ... we tried to sleep but it's just too cold for us to sleep heh ...che hui couldn't stand the breeze and her sleepy-ness so she went up to her room at 5am. The rest of us waited for the sun to rise and was trying to look for the sunrise at 7am but we don't see sun rising -.- , gave up and walk out from the hotel to go search for FOOD! lol after breakfast we leave Gavin, Frederick, Yang Peng and uh...Wei Eu? at bus stop then me and Serene walk back to hotel.

Serene wanted to go swimming so i accompany her until che yen and boyfriend came. I went up to my room, get my stuff pack and we then go check out. Dad came to pick us up, drop Yue Shern back and back to my home sweet home to ....SLEEP! Was hell so tiring for not sleeping the whole night o.O but i guess it's worth it..? heh

Happy 2008 people!


Happy Anniversary to Che Yen and Yi Qin, aishey xD


seeing them holding hands together at the beach
make me feel so sick but i ain't jealous, NOT anymore
cause i know i'd already get over it
zilG was no longer remains in my heart, yep
and that's because you came to appear in my life
and you took my heart away with you too
but right now, you just leave it like that
i thank you for helping me to get rid of zilG from my life
but why did you not help me on how to
erase you off from my mind??
please don't get me wrong, i was never treat you as a spare tire or whatever
the other night i asked you for the favor was because i thought
maybe we could......sigh....never mind
i know me and you, are over and those memories left were just the past
but does this mean it's the end between us?
please DON'T say yes
i'm sorry, i can't help it myself
i know i'm suppose to let go and move on but
the more i wish to let go ; the MORE i MISS you

sony's fan

me and che hui

having fun...? heh

get ready to SPRAY!

leftover candy canes

the sexy lol


rachel and meeee

gregsson's present cute huh? lol


the sexy gregsson lol

beach ; paradise

aishey jang heng the strong man
pulling the tree lol

waiting for the bus

the bus s still not coming

me && rachel

tiffanys and the chipmunks


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