hate that i love you

Now i know! Knowing that how is it like to work. I finally found a part time job for myself, cousin and i went to work in E&O Hotel yesterday and it was hell tiring man! Our job were to serve dinner for the guests it wasn't an easy job at all to be a waitress esp when there're not enough of the workers there. It was always me being served by others in the restaurants and now my turn to serve others hah. Busy and tiring though but it was kinda enjoy actually as i'm learning while working. Working was just for the sake of getting myself busy from thinking of you but it doesn't seems to be working at all...the more i wanted to erase you from my mind the more i miss you even though i was already so soooo busy working ...and that's just getting worst. I can't stand how much I need you and I hate how much I love you but I just can't let you go! sigh......

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