the changes

Monday, August 20

We've finish with our school fun and fiesta though but we still have another thing to busy with, which is to practise our dance for My School Rocks's audition. Again, we woke up early and back to school just to pratice our dance in the canteen. After the practise until 5pm, the few of us like zi xin, Sarah, Kaan and i then follow Venne back to her house. We left our belongings at Venne house then went to a Salloon near by to get our hair set. The three of us, zi xin, Venne and i went to curl our hair temporaly. And for Sarah, she went to straighten her hair and Kaan got her hair spiked up lol. After we had our hair done and all then only we receieved a call from KL saying that the dance audition changed from 21st to 22nd...what a good timing =.=, tell us after we'd already went to curl our hair and all but oh well...we were kinda have fun at Venne's house that day esp when one of our friend was so crazy and funny. Venne have this dog name Vincci and Kaan was kinda afraid of her ...she made all sorts of nonsense that makes me and my friends laugh like mad esp when she called Vincci as Nancy ahahaha which she didn't know that the dog was actually named Vincci, thats why LoL.

Kaan to vincci
: vincci! Friend ya know...

Here are some pictures, like always...that i vain with my hair curled =]

my curly hair


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