Final exam's over! which means SCHOOL'S OUT! (or college's out? Hah, whatever) College's fun but well...tell me! Who doesn't love holidays?! Ever since Chinese New Year's break's over I had been waiting for finals to be gone for the after-finals' sem break. Alright, in my previous post, I had promised that I'd update my blog and now you see it, THIS! is my update. O-kay maybe not, this post isn't the one that I'd meant earlier about what I wanted to update...was suppose to update something else but unfortunately I had forgotten about what I'm suppose to update plus I didn't save them in draft so...lets just forget about it :D I've somehow lost the inspiration...uh I mean mood, to blog already and my blog will be on hiatus mode for some time until.................the mood for blogging is back. Love this picture so much that I just feel like posting it up... Sem break, woohoo! Toodles~ P/S I still, and do update my Plurk :D