
Showing posts from November, 2009

I call it Amazing!

Had an awesome weekend :D Black and BBoy: you know what I'm saying LOL! Their current favourite sentence to everyone, tsk tsk annoying much. Will blog about my weekend when I have time to. Assignment is waiting for me, toodles~

2012 movie

Centuries ago, the Mayans left us their calendar, with a clear end date and all that it implies. Since then, astrologists have discovered it, numerologists have found patterns that predict it, geologists say the earth is overdue for it, and even government scientists cannot deny the cataclysm of epic proportions that awaits the earth in 2012. A prophecy that began with the Mayans has now been well-chronicled, discussed, taken apart and examined. By 2012, we'll know we were warned... Watched the movie "2012". I must say it is definitely a great meaningful movie to the world. Would give it a 11/10 for rating and two thumbs up. A MUST watch movie, really! This is the first movie ever that did not makes me feel bored, not even my favourite movies can compare with it, yes ain't no kidding and it is really that good . There is just no scene at all that can makes me yawn or feeling sleepy. The whole entire movie is just so exciting until the end. I know, I know there are o...

KDU Bloodbath '09

Short update: Just gotten back home from KDU college's Bloodbath event. It's a Halloween celebration they had and yeah they celebrated it 6 days after the actual date. Nothing much about this event, well maybe because I was late there? And I did not dress up like a ghost or whatsoever too, got no proper costume plus I went all the way there just to watch their dance performance.... Yes, Danzity it is. Shall end this post with another scary picture D: